
Getting There - Aneel's Travelogue

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There Roatan, Honduras, Saturday, 05 July 2008 9:00pm

At the resort. Well fed, and in good company.

I decided to do a scuba refresher course tomorrow instead of just going ahead with the orientation dive, so Jenny and I did some snorkeling to get a feel for the water. It's bathwater warm at the shoreline and only a little colder as far out as we went. I twas lightly raining as we came back in, so we were treated to a rainbow and the hint of a double rainbow.

Saw quite a few brightly-colored fish, which was an unexpected bonus, since my prescription lenses hadn't arrived yet.

Walking to the bar to get drinks, Jenny viciously stepped on the back of my flip-flop. Harmless prank turned to tragedy when the strap snapped! Those flip-flops have been traveling with me since Belize 2004, and I'd almost worn through the soles in a couple of places. Time for a new pair.