
Getting There - Aneel's Travelogue

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Back to San Pedro Sula San Pedro Sula, Honduras, Friday, 04 July 2008 8:00pm

A fairly relaxed travel day.

I spent the morning walking around town, doing a little shopping. I picked up a hammock and a few other things. Sadly, the crafts here aren't easily transportable, like the silks of Vietnam. The local specialties are hardwood and stoneware.

Ran into a bunch of the people I talked to yesterday (it's not a large town). One of the couples from the hacienda was staying at the same hotel, and the other was taking the same bus. Jose was walking into town as I was walking out, on my way to the bus stop.

The bus ride was pretty calm, which was impressive since we had to ford a stream just outside of town. It rained on and off most of the way back.